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Calm the mind & body
Find peace within

Working Effectively with Violent and Aggressive States (WEVAS®)

Restore safety, security, calm, and peacefulness within yourself and your environment.

New: WEVAS® 2.0 Facilitator Course.  September, 2024

Michelle B

About Our Workshops

Is WEVAS® for you?

  • Do you live or work with people who get angry, intimidate, cry, yell, grab, hit, kick, spit, bite?

  • Do you live or work with people who get quiet, nervous, easily triggered?

  • Do you feel scared, frustrated, uncertain, or at a loss about what to do?

  • Do you live or work with someone who has  mental health diagnosis or specialized needs?

    WEVAS® workshops can help.



"Together, for over 30 years, we have achieved success in connecting to the peace within us all, improving mental health in children, youth, and adults alike."

Transform your day

Find peace & well-being with our interactive personalized workshops


Early Childhood, K-12, and

Educational Assistants

A required course for EAs who work in Manitoba School Divisions. Created and designed by psychologists.


Are you ready to reduce workplace health and safety reports? Are you ready to improve employee safety and ability to work with students with diverse needs?


Relevant for anyone who interacts with people who may become anxious, agitated, aggressive, and/or assaultive.

Childcare Directors Say:

"Our staff have been using and talking about WEVAS® so much and in so many circumstances. It has been effective in staff communication, parent communication and in our work with children."
"We believe that the knowledge gained from your training will have a positive and lasting impact on the quality of care and education we provide to the children at Lakewood Children Centre.  We look forward to implementing the strategies and approaches discussed during the sessions and witnessing the positive changes they will bring."

Transform yourself, others & your environment with WEVAS® workshops

EXCITING things are happening in the world of WEVAS®

New Activities, a Book, Re-Certification.

NEW: WEVAS® 2.0 Facilitator Training Course:  September, 2024, Winnipeg, MB

WEVAS® course availability is opening up as we can be together again in unity and healing.

WEVAS® Facilitators:

WEVAS® 2.0 has a new focus, new activities, and requires re-certification.

Sign-up now. Registration complete when payment received.

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